Lea Nagy
Lea Nagy (2000, Szolnok) is a poet and editor. She lives in Budapest, and she has been publishing since 2016. She also works in painting and dance. She graduated in painting from the Jaschik Álmos Art Secondary School and plans to continue her studies at the ELTE, where she will study Hungarian and Croatian Literature.
Nagy is a student of the Writers’ Academy of the Frontier Garrison. She served as one of the editors of the anthologies Suttogva, Repülés, and Szerteszét, to which she also contributed original poems, and she is the author of the anthology Az év versei (Poems of the Year). Nagy has also contributed works of fiction to the journal Irodalomismeret.
Her first solo poetry collection was published in 2018 and her second in 2020. She won the Hungarian Writers’ Association Debut Prize in 1019 and was also a recipient of the Zsigmond Móricz Scholarship.